Stream Vision is our first mobile app designed to improve your experience with Pulsar devices even further. Offering such functions as a mobile viewfinder, remote control of your device, file sharing, and more, it is a simple and free way to make the best of your Pulsar unit.
Mobile viewfinder

Stream Vision Application turns your smartphone or tablet into a mobile viewfinder. Images captured by digital night vision or thermal imaging devices can be transmitted live to the screen of a smartphone or tablet.


Remote control

Stream Vision turns the smartphone into a fully functional remote control that helps to adjust the settings of connected thermal imaging or digital night vision units.

Firmware update

Stream Vision helps to check availability of the new firmware for registered in the app devices. It also helps install firmware update for thermal imaging or digital night vision devices when they are connected to smartphone or tablet.

Photo and video recording

Photo and video recording on the device can be initialized via smartphone without distraction from the observation process. The files can be recorded either to the internal memory of the connected unit or directly to the smartphone or tablet.

File sharing

Stream Vision application lets the user share recorded photos and videos. Recorded files can be downloaded from a digital night vision or thermal imaging device to a smartphone and shared with friends via online messengers or cloud services.

Ballistic calculator

With its fully functional ballistic calculator, the Stream Vision application is a powerful tool for professional long-range sports shooters. The ballistic calculator allows for calculating corrections for aiming, depending on cartridge parameters, distance to target, elevation angle, and weather conditions, such as air pressure, humidity, wind speed, and direction. The calculator possesses a preset, continuously updated ammo database. It allows one to own ammo and create and save ballistic profiles for riflescopes and cartridges. The app uses proprietary high-precision algorithms developed by skilled professionals for correction calculations.

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