Multispectral Devices
Multispectral Devices Common Questions
Are my zeroing profiles saved when I update my riflescope’s firmware?
Can I add a laser rangefinder to my riflescope?
Can I fix dead pixels in the digital channel of my device?
Can I power my riflescope using a 12V car adapter?
Can I replace the internal battery in my device myself?
Can I roll back to a previous firmware version on my device?
Can I use an IR illuminator with the digital channel of the Thermion Duo?
Can I use my Pulsar riflescope on a SCAR 17s rifle, which is known for its recoil?
Can I use the digital channel in the nighttime?
Do I need permission to travel with my thermal riflescope to another country?
Does the riflescope support remote control?
How do I activate Picture-in-Picture (PiP) mode on my Merger Duo?
How do I change color modes on my Merger Duo NXP?
How do I register my Merger Duo NXP?
I can see a ghost image / residual artefacts of the previous image. What is wrong?
I hear a clicking sound during calibration. Can I disable it?
I hear a clicking sound during calibration. Can I disable it?
Is it possible to use the Merger Duo NXP with a tripod?
Is it safe to use my Thermion Duo on an air/pellet gun?
Is my Merger Duo equipped with a laser rangefinder?
My riflescope won’t hold zero. What should I do?
What does “Duo” mean in the name of the riflescope?
What is the difference between the Merger Duo NXP and the Merger LRF?
What is the recommended torque setting for mounting rings when installing the Thermion Duo?
What is the User Mode for?
What material is the housing of the Merger Duo NXP made from?
What should I do about defective pixels on my thermal imaging device screen?
What should I do about defective pixels on my thermal imaging device screen?
What should I do if my Merger Duo NXP won’t turn on?
What should I do if the menu button isn’t responding?
What type of battery does the Merger Duo use?
Why do I see a ghost image or residual artifacts from the previous image?
Why does a semi-circular flare appear at the bottom of the thermal image after a shot?
Why has the image on the digital channel turned black and white?
Why is image calibration necessary for a thermal imager?
Why is image calibration necessary for a thermal imager?
Why is it necessary to zero in the riflescope twice?
Why is my image blurry or out of focus?
Why is my image blurry when using digital zoom? Is it a defect?
Why is the reticle off-center after zeroing?
Will the riflescope save my zeroing profiles if it’s powered down for an extended period?
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